Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thoughts on


I was just checking my email and facebook this morning and I noticed that I was invited to a group on facebook. I was looking through the group and found a discussion thread where the user wanted people to prove that God doesn't exists. One of the users posted a link and mentioned that the website was the only proof you needed. Now, I was born and raised catholic, but like the majority of catholics out there, I don't really practice it much anymore. I don't have a very biased mind, especially on the subject of religion. So, as always, I entered the site with an open mind. The content of the website, as you might notice if you decide to visit, consists of a page with links that are titled Proof #1 and go all the up to #50. These are all the 'proofs' that this site has for why God is imaginary.


The main structure that this website follows for their content is:
  1. Make an absurd statement
  2. Search through the bible for passages that 'support' the statement
  3. Add ridiculous/biased comments to further 'support' statement

Now when I say 'support' I mean the passages that the person picks for the proof is often a passage that clearly is meant to be comprehended one way, but the person picks at the passage from a literal point of view. For example, look at Proof #13 - 'Take a look at slavery'. From this page, we are supposed to believe that God is alright with slavery. The passage the person uses to proof God's position on slavery is this:

Genesis chapter 17, verse 12:

"And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed. He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised."

The idea of this passage is that God wants everyone to be circumcised. The person only looked at the part "he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised" This is absolutely ridiculous. The money part, people don't realize that richer people hire servants to do house work. They were not slaves. True Christians don't believe in slavery (remember the love thy neighbor bit?).


Any way, as far as the site goes, it is a pathetic, ignorant, illogically defined site, and should really not be taken seriously. The creator is most likely an angered atheist. But, who really knows if God is real